This amazing video is the result of a year’s online work from the Monday Painters in 2020. In a year of crisis, here’s eight minutes of creativity to enjoy at Christmas:


This remarkable and moving video shows just some of what this dedicated weekly class have achieved in this tumultuous year. For 20 minutes of carols and creativity just click below:

Wednesday online Painting on 28 October, 2020: STILLish LIFE after MORANDI:


Our two online painting groups were given an evocative poem, a week before the class. Here are the videos of their extraordinary work:

Monday online Painting on 12 October, 2020: ‘Late August’ by Anne Michaels.

Wednesday online Painting on 7 October, 2020: ‘Late August’ by Anne Michaels.


An online drawing by one of our Monday artists, looking at interior space:


All of our Monday artists drawing at the same time!


The August 12th Wednesday painting day was a class like no other. The ten artists were asked to choose that piece of music and to prepare to paint while listening to it. Here is one of them:


In November 2019, we ran the four-day Coloured Earth course. The final day’s paintings were recorded using timelapse. Here is one of them:


In August 2019, our Monthly Mondays painters invented landscapes from pieces of flint in the studio. The day’s paintings were recorded using timelapse. Here is one of them:


Making full use of four days in a studio with huge walls:


The Horton Art Group came to us in June 2019 for a day of coloured pencil work: